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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Beyond Talent by John C. Maxwell

 In Beyond Talent: Become Someone Who Gets Extraordinary Results, John C. Maxwell’s usual wise insight appears to take a back seat to the inclusion of redundant, albeit encouraging, supporting material. Maxwell states that we really can reach our full potential, even if we think we can’t.  Stating that “Talent is never enough,” Maxwell advises  the reader to “…build upon the foundation of your abilities, and live your life to its fullest potential.” However, readers of previous Maxwell books and/or other self-help volumes may find this book more of the same. The idea of reaching your full potential has been overworked in many self-help volumes. Moreover, Maxwell’s use of abundant lists and quotes makes the book a collection of aphorisms. I would have preferred more original comments from this wise and intrepid author.
Referring to such successful people as Joe Namath, Winston Churchill, Charles Schulz and many more, Maxwell shares stories of success.    Maxwell’s advice includes focusing, persevering, and showing  initiative; frequent lists and poems reiterate Maxwell’s points. The format makes the book easy to read; text and the supporting material (lists and stories) are well placed on the page—easy to locate; easy on the eyes. Application Exercises which encourage the reader to apply the techniques follow each chapter.
As it is classic Maxwell, and he remains the ultimate motivator, the book may be useful for business seminars and individual professional development. However, there is not a lot of new information here.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and I have expressed my own opinions.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Take Action Bible published by Thomas Nelson in the New King James Version

 The Take Action Bible presents the complete scriptures in the New King James Version along with pertinent stories of contemporary people realistically demonstrating their faith. The humanitarian organization, World Vision, has cooperated with Thomas Nelson Publishers on The God’s Word in Action campaign, encouraging Christians to help others in need. Their mission is clearly reflected in this Signature Series Bible. Not only can a reader study God’s word but he will be motivated by those who are putting the word into action. Action verbs, Go, Serve, Give, Heal, Teach are expressed in anecdotes explaining how everyday people are serving others. For example, a shoe shine business owner operates an organization that provides clean water to the people of Bolivia. A retiree started an AIDS ministry; a nine year old opened a lemonade stand to raise money for local flood victims.
This Bible is very user-friendly. It contains section introductions such as The Pentateuch and The Historical Books that give background information on the section’s contents. Chapter headings provide overviews. The text is clear with sufficient typeface and size to be easily read. The compact size is convenient to carry. The Bible contains “52 Action Ideas” such as “pick a nation to pray for,”  “start recycling,” and “start a Bible study at a local jail.”  Readers are invited to share their own stories of service at a website, thus adding an interactive dimension to the study of scripture. After perusing this Bible, the next step is to make your own move to help others…and to return to The Take Action Bible for further encouragement.
 I received this book free from the publisher through a bloggers’ book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Max On Life by Max Lucado

In Max on Life, Texas pastor and author Max Lucado responds to 172 questions with frank but sensitive  insight. Lucado addresses questions from the news headlines such as terrorism and abortion. He also deals with church concerns: denominations, hypocrisy, and when to leave a church. He responds to personal questions ranging from marriage and money worries to healing; and he clarifies spiritual doubts including those about Heaven, Hell and the return of Jesus.
Max writes in a common sense, clear manner; it seems as if he is sitting across the table having a one on one chat with the reader. His concern for the questioner is sincere and his answers are valid. Most answers include scripture references. Biblical principles are strongly upheld; the gospel message is clear. This book becomes a reference to return to often when we are faced with these all too common life dilemmas.
I found this book to be trustworthy and scripturally accurate. It was easy to read straight through as a devotional study. I highly recommend this book. It would be a valuable addition to one’s library or a thoughtful gift. Max Lucado’s years of pastoral experience are well-expressed in Max on Life.
I have received a complimentary copy of this book, but was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission requirement.