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Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Grace of God by Andy Stanley

The Grace of God by Andy Stanley
In this upbeat and engaging book, Andy Stanley relates God’s redemption story in a style that everyone can relate to and learn from. Beginning at the beginning with Adam and Eve, Andy traces mankind’s fall and God’s “cleaning up of the mess sin had made” (22). As Andy shares the lives of Abraham, Joseph, Jonah, Matthew and other great faith followers, he explains their place in the salvation plan—and our place there as well.
The story we’ve heard many times becomes richer and more relevant as Andy threads the ribbon of grace throughout his text. Andy includes personal anecdotes and stories to illustrate the Biblical principles he draws. For example, to explain a “slightly modified parable of Jesus” (181), he tells about a contractor who hires workmen who later dispute their paychecks. He also tells us “…you can’t be good enough; you don’t even have to be. That is the way of grace.” (143). 
This book is different enough to hold your attention; Pastor Stanley has an enthusiastic, contemporary writing style that invites the reader in to learn and grow.  It is also fundamentally sound and will teach you clearly how God’s unfailing grace promises each one of us eternal life.  I highly recommend this book.
I received a complimentary review copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review; the opinions expressed here are my own.