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Saturday, January 5, 2013

The 5 Money Personalities

The 5 Money Personalities: Speaking the Same Love and Money Language by Scott and Bethany Palmer

Did you know that you can commit financial infidelity? Or that money fights are not about the money? Or that you have a “money personality”?  These questions and other marital and money concerns are addressed by financial planners and writers Scott and Bethany Palmer in their book, The 5 Money Personalities: Speaking the Same Love and Money Language.  This is an easy to read, enthusiastic how to manual that would benefit couples of all ages. The Palmers avow that everyone has a money personality; actually we have primary and secondary personalities.  An online address is given for you to discern your own Money Personality through a short quiz.  In another website, couples assess their money handling to find their Financial Relationship Index.  Citing examples of couples they’ve counseled for many years, the Palmers explain how a lack of financial communication and understanding can hurt a relationship.  The little daily decisions such as buying generic or name brand cereal can negatively impact a spouse who views purchases differently.  Thus knowing your and your spouse’s money personality will allow better understanding. The authors encourage us to “own” our own money personality in order to see our own errors. They advocate a “Money Dump” to get negative feelings out and “The Money Huddle,” a time to make decisions.  The 5 Money Personalities is a refreshing addition to the bookshelf of financial advice.  The reader will find himself saying, “Yes, that’s so true,” or “That’s me, all right!”  But the Palmers don’t just identify the problems; they give workable, practical solutions.  An enjoyable and instructive read, this book is highly recommended.

I was given this book free of charge by the publisher to review. I am not required to give a positive review and the opinions expressed here are only my own.


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